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CalibrationPipeline Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creationDatedatetimeThe creation date of this object
demixingintIndicates if demixing occured, 0=no 1=yes
durationfloatThe durations
endTimedatetimeThe end datetime of the Process
flagAutoCorrelationsintflag for auto correlations, 0 not set, 1 set
isValidintThe isValid flag, any value greater then zero means valid
numberOfCorrelatedDataProductsintThe number of Correlated DataProducts produced by the pipeline
numberOfInstrumentModelsintThe number of Instrument Models produced by the pipeline
object_idoidtypeThe object identifier

The object identifier is an attribute shared by all persistent
instances. It is the prime key, by which object identity is established
observationIdstrThe observation identifier
observationIdSourcestrThe source of ObservationId
parsetParsetFileThe process or observation parset
pipelineNamestrThe name of the pipeline
pipelineVersionstrThe version of the pipeline
processIdentifierintThe process identifier
processIdentifierNamestrThe name of the processIdentifier
processIdentifierSourcestrThe source of processIdentifier
projectInformationProjectInformationThe project information
qualityintThe quality attribute of this Process
relationsProcessRelationThe relations of this Process, ie GroupID
releaseDatedatetimeThe release datetime of the Process
sourceDataDataProductThe input DataProduct(s) for this Pipeline
startTimedatetimeThe start datetime of the Process
strategyDescriptionstrThe description of the strategy
strategyNamestrThe name of the strategy

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