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Approved commissioning projects
LOFAR Long Baselines commissioning
Solar imaging and dynamic spectrum
Interplanetary Scintillation Observations
Imaging of the Moon
A Search for radio emissions from HD 80606b near planetary periastron
LOFAR Survey of High Mass star forming regions in Galactic plane
LOFAR Survey of nearby galaxies
Using LOFAR for detailed studies of AGN, and AGN physics
A deep and wide extragalactic survey at low frequencies...
Variable jet sources in the LOFAR band
LOFAR Commissioning 2013
Stellar Radio Astronomy with LOFAR
Solar activity studies with LOFAR
Using Diffractive Interstellar Scintillations (DISS) to Resolve Pulsar magnetospheres and the issue of potential DC emission
Exploitation of LOFAR surveys to study galaxy clusters
Exoplanet radio search and characterization
Particle acceleration and cold gas in high-redshift radio sources - long baseline and recombination line studies
Low Frequency Investigation of the Super-CLASS Super-cluster
Imaging compact SNR, Supernova and AGN emission in M82 and M81
Gravitational lenses at low frequencies
Atomic hydrogen at z>5
LOFAR Observations of Jupiters Synchrotron Radiation
Determining the origin and (magnetic) substructure of the Fermi bubbles
AGN outburst in MS0735.6+7421
LOFAR studies of pulsars, fast transients and the interstellar medium
A determination of the abundance of water in Saturn's deep atmosphere with LOFAR
LOFAR Galactic Radio Recombination Line Survey (LG-RRLS)
A joint LOFAR deep field (Elais)
Location and motion of sources of Jupiter
LOFAR studies of the evolution of coronal mass ejections in the heliosphere
LOFAR timing of pulsars and rotating radio transients discovered in GBT 350-MHz surveys
The polarization footprint of a nearby anomalously turbulent scattering screen
Pulsar timing with LOFAR
Directors Discretionary time - Radio Recombination Lines Cas A
Pulsar VLBI observations
Targeted searches for pulsars and fast transients
Stephan's Quintet: the role of shocks in the formation of the hot intragroup medium
LOTAAS: The LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey for Pulsars and Fast Transients
Measuring the energy of Saturns Magnetosphere
Supplementary observation of Saturns deep atmosphere with LOFAR for the determination of the abundance of water
Lunar occultation: Towards measurement of the global redshifted 21- cm signal from cosmic dawn
Low Frequency Observations of Jets from Young Stars in Taurus
HBA observations of the remarkable radio source in Abell 2626
A Full Census of the Known Pulsar Population at LOFAR Frequencies
Pulsar Timing with LOFAR
Measuring the energy of Saturn's lightning
LONG BASELINE STUDIES OF HIGH-REDSHIFT RADIO SOURCES: Constraining particle acceleration and cold gas
LOFAR blank-field surveys: AGN, star-formation and cosmology
Extragalactic Radio Recombination Lines: An LTA resource project.
The LOFAR survey of the Virgo cluster
Magnetisation of the Universe - the case of the starbursting irregular galaxy NGC 4449
A detailed study of AGN physics and feedback with Cygnus A
Wide field searches for image-plane radio transients
ISM Properties and Recurrent Nuclear Activity in Nearby Luminous Galaxy Mergers
Continued LOFAR Gridding/Timing of Discoveries from the GBNCC Pulsar Survey
Cold Fronts, Large Scale Sloshing, and Mpc-scale Particle Acceleration
Probing the Cold Interstellar Medium in the Milky Way.
Intergalactic Magnetic Fields in Galaxy Systems - Close Pair NGC4490/85
NGC3079 observations of starburst disk and outflow
Detection of the extended disk of the nearly face-on galaxy NGC628
Monitoring of the Crab pulsar
The LOFAR EoR project
Cosmic ray propagation in two nearby spiral galaxies
Testing the IC/CMB Model for X-ray Emission from Quasar Jets with LOFAR
Energetic electron production in solar flares
Targeted Searches for Pulsars and Fast Transients
Extended radio continuum halos in the edge-on galaxies NGC3432 and NGC5907
Faraday Screen in front of a jet in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC4258
Propagation of Electron Beams in the Solar Corona and Associated Type III Radio Emission as Seen by LOFAR
Coronal mass ejections and type II radio bursts
LOFAR imaging of the first GRG discovered by MSSS
The large-scale magnetic field of NGC 5775
LOFAR surveys of galaxy clusters
Pulsar VLBI for precision pulsar scintellation astrometry
Angular and temporal scatter broadening of pulsars
LOFAR Survey of High Mass star forming regions in Galactic Plane - The Orion Nebula
Observing the Interplanetary Magnetic Field with LOFAR
LOFAR observations of the currently active transient XTE J1908+094
Delving Deeper into the Mystery of Pulsar Mode Switching
The flux density scale between 30 and 500 MHz
Monitoring Ionospheric Scintillation above LOFAR
A search for p-H2CO, a potential EoR contaminant, toward the Galactic Center, W43, W44, W49, and M82
Continued LOFAR Timing of Discoveries from the GBNCC Pulsar Survey
The mysterious giant radio source 0917+75
Cosmic ray propagation in NGC 5033
Probing the Stellar Flare-Coronal Mass Ejection Relationship
Extended radio continuum halo in the edge-on galaxy NGC5907
Exploring radio-loud AGN recurrent activity with LOFAR
Wide-field searches for image-plane radio transients
The first MHz observations of an ultra cool dwarf star
LBA observations of M51 and NGC891
Search of radio emission from the 55 Cnc exoplanetary system
First detection of brown dwarfs with LOFAR
FRATs: Commensal Real-Time Searches and localization of Fast Radio Burst
Radio detection of cosmic ray air shower
A joint LOFAR deep field: Elais-N1
A Full Census of the Known Pulsar Population: Extension to the Lowest Radio Frequencies
Millisecond Pulsar Scintillation: a Pilot Study
Energetic electron propagation in solar flares
Solar coronal mass ejections
Long Baseline Studies of High-Redshift Radio Sources: Constraining particle acceleration and cold gas
Exploring Merger-Induced Diffuse Radio Emissions in Groups of Galaxies
Solar noise storms in the decametric and metric range: a study with LOFAR and the Nançay Radioheliograph
Observations of solar type II radio bursts by LOFAR
Low-frequency radio emission from X-ray binaries
The LOFAR Quiescent Sun
Probing the Galactic Interstellar Medium on Unprecedented Scales
A low-frequency survey for extrasolar auroral emission
LOFAR surveys: Opening up a new window on the Universe
LOFAR Observation of Eclipsing Binary Pulsars
A panchromatic search for advanced intelligence around nearby stars
Search for OH Maser Emission at 54 MHz in Galactic Star-forming Regions and Supernova Remnants
Mapping spectral turnovers in Arp 220 as a test-case for low-frequency studies of local (U)LIRGs
Study of atomic hydrogen at z>5
Extragalactic Radio Recombination Lines: An LTA resource project
LOTAAS: The LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey for Pulsars and Fast Semester : LOFAR_LT_C2 Transients
Calibration and Imaging Tiger Team
Investigating Refraction Through the Solar Wind using Intensity and Phase Scintillation
Probing a Coronal Mass Ejection with Scintillation Arcs
Large-scale magnetic field connecting A399-A401
Search for possible pulsar located at SNR CTA-1
PS86X1-Interplanetary CubeSat and Thin-Film Spacecraft/Lander/Rover Communications and Navigation Pathfinder Experiment with LOFAR and the LuxSpace 4M Lunar Flyby Mission
Project for distributing public datasets for the LOFAR Data School
Magnetic Fields and Cosmic-ray Propagation in M31
Blazar monitoring with LOFAR
Cosmic Ray Air Showers
Simultaneous extremely wide-bandwidth pulsar observations near Solar conjunction
Blazar-Jet Kinetic Power from Low-Frequency Radio Observations
A directed search for (high-velocity) pulsars in known supernova remnants and pulsar wind nebulea
Lunar occultation of the cosmic radio background
LOBOS: the LOFAR LOng-Baseline calibratOr Survey
Long Baseline Studies of High-redshift Radio Sources: Constraining particle acceleration and cold gas
Targeted Pulsar Searches toward Globular Clusters and Isolated Neutron Stars
A search for radio emission from exoplanets around cool evolved stars
Director Discretionary Time - GNSS tracking
Searching for pulsars and RRATs in nearby galaxies M33, M81 & M82
The Evolutionary Impact of Radio Lobes in a Nearby Early-Type Galaxy: A Low-Frequency Case Study of NGC3998
The Unexplained Pressure in the Closest Cold ISM
The low-frequency structure and jet kinetic power of 1222+216
LOFAR observations of the partial solar eclipse on 20 March 2015
Characterizing the shells of Jupiter's icy moons using reflected Jovian Decametric Emission
150 MHz continuum emission from quasar host galaxies at z > 5
A low-frequency study of the bright pulsar B1237+25
Searching for Jet Relics and Radio Supernovae in M51 with LOFAR Long Baselines
Quantitative diagnostics of electron beams in the solar corona
Radio emission from coronal shock waves
Cosmic ray propagation in NGC 5055
LOFAR Observation of the Passage of a Coronal Mass Ejection
The Three Low-Frequency Drift Modes in the Harmonic Pulsar
Studying Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium using International LOFAR Stations
FRATs: Commensal Real-Time Searches and localization of Fast Radio Bursts
A New Route to High-Redshifts?
Detecting a Nuclear Bubble in a Face-on Spiral Galaxy
A Search for Radio Emissions from Extrasolar Planets on Highly Eccentric Orbits Near Planetary Periastron
CMB-Quenching of High-z Blazars
The Magnetic Fields and Pulsar Spectra in Globular Clusters
Searching for MHz emission from brown dwarfs
Mapping the kpc-scale structure of Compact Steep Spectrum sources at 150 MHz
FRATs: Commensal Real-Time Searches and Localization of Fast Radio Transients
The Physics of Neutron Star Formation and Particle Creation and Acceleration in PWN G54.1+0.3
Fine structures in solar radio emission
The particle content in the low-power FR I radio galaxy 3C 449
The 2015 V404 Cyg outburst: detecting radio oscillations with LOFAR
Energetic electrons generated in solar flares
Imaging of extended emission in the Galactic plane
The 2015 V404 Cyg outburst: further monitoring with LOFAR
Detection and characterization of the lunar ionosphere
The LBA and HBA studies of Cosmic Ray propagation in NGC6946
Diffuse radio emission in Abell 2069 and the Corona Borealis Supercluster
Measuring magnetic fields in the Solar wind
Coronal density studies with LOFAR
Test of optimal strategy for exoplanet detection with LOFAR
High precision RMs from LOFAR observations of pulsars with parallax measurements, towards accurate reconstruction of the Galactic magnetic field
Radio sky monitor: a pilot study with LOFAR
Quiet Sun studies with LOFAR
Deep Observation of Pulsar Wind Nebula 3C 58
Probing pulsar magnetospheres at 10-90 MHz with LOFAR
Monitoring of Ionospheric Scintillation with LOFAR
LOTAAS: the LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey
Deep Observation of Possible Extended Emission Surrounding a Pulsar
Precision Measurements of Cosmic Rays with LOFAR
A 135-MHz LOFAR Survey for Millisecond Pulsars in Unidentified Fermi-LAT Gamma-Ray Sources
VLBI Investigations of a Protostellar Jet with LOFAR
Characterizing Galactic MHD turbulence with LOFAR
The Low-Frequency Profile of the Recycled High-Energy Pulsar J1614-2318
Investigating the peculiar nature of mixed morphology supernova remnants: VRO 42.05.01 and W63
First detailed study of a gamma-ray binary outburst at 150 MHz and search for extended emission
Characterizing the Low-Frequency Emission Properties of FRB
commissioning projects 2016
Studying the local interstellar medium
The LOFAR LBA Exploratory Survey
Mapping the spectral turnover of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy Arp 299
A low frequency study of a new sample of double-double radio galaxies
Towards the physical properties of Faraday filaments
Exploring radio-loud AGN recurrent activity with LOFAR: Part Two
Probing pulsar magnetospheres at 10-90 MHz with LOFAR (Part II)
Test project for ingesting to Poznan
Long-term proposal for solar observations with LOFAR
Magnetisation of the universe - the LBA studies of NGC 4449
Hexacopter measurements
Determining the properties of the first millisecond pulsar discovered by LOFAR
Long-term proposal for solar observations with LOFAR - additional observations
Characterizing the broadband spectrum of the repeating Fast Radio Burst 121102 using simultaneous Arecibo and LOFAR observations
Joint LOFAR-LWA observations of pulsars at low ecliptic latitudes
Monitoring Continuum and Beamformed Pulsar Flux Density
Local Enhancements of Cluster B field due to Interaction with Embedded Radio Galaxies
Joint LOFAR and Effelsberg Observations to Localise a Repeating Fast Radio Burst
CEP4 commissioning and characterisation
Spectral structure and particle acceleration in the hotspots of FR II radio sources
LOBOS: the LOFAR LOng-Baseline calibratOr Survey - II
Low-frequency follow-up of transient triggers
LOFAR study of Jupiter's radiation belts physics coordinated with remote sensing and in-situ Juno observations
Lightning Imaging with LOFAR
Recovering intermediate-scale, diffuse Galactic recombination lines
Cygnus X-1 in the hard state: the low radio frequency follow-up
Confirming the first LOFAR pulsar in a Supernova Remnant
Search for Star-Planet Magnetic Interaction in a Nearby Terrestrial Exoplanetary System
Imaging the Pulsars in Globular Cluster M13
Time-domain follow up of steep spectrum pulsar candidates
Interferometric imaging observations of the Sun with LOFAR
Monitoring Scintillation above LOFAR
Investigating the peculiar nature of mixed morphology supernova remnants: W63 and HB9
Triggered follow-up for AARTFAAC Transient Sources
Radio observations of the planetary system Upsilon Andromedae
Observation of a giant radio brightest cluster galaxy
Probing Extragalactic Sources via Carbon Radio Recombination Lines
Exploring Merger-Induced Diffuse Radio Emission in Groups of Galaxies
Demonstration of Space Weather Monitoring with LOFAR
Ultra steep spectrum giant radio galaxy with recurrent radio jet activity
Exploring the Hubble Frontier Fields with LOFAR
Mapping the Orion molecular cloud complex with LOFAR
Magnetizing the universe with starbursting dwarf galaxies
Radio emission from coronal shock waves and nascent CMEs
Coordinated multi-frequency and in-situ study of Jupiter's radiation belt during Juno's prime mission
The physical conditions of the cold neutral medium on 10' scales
A Full Census of the Known Pulsar Population: Expanding Sky Coverage
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Opening up a new window on the Universe
A LOFAR survey for millisecond pulsars in unidentified Fermi gamma-ray sources
Magnetizing the universe with dwarf galaxies
Faraday tomography of the local ISM, around the area of 3C196 field
PSRJ2032+4127 towards Periastron
Carbon radio recombination lines in 3C190
Radio Structures in a Newly-Discovered Early-Stage Major Merger
Confirmation and timing of pulsar candidates from a targeted LOFAR search towards PWNe and SNRs.
A LOFAR survey of low Dispersion measure pulsars to study frequency evolution of scatter broadening
Fly's eye monitoring observations
Following up the first ever detected accretion burst in a high-mass YSO
Determining the properties of the fastest-spinning Galactic field millisecond pulsar
Commissioning observations 2017
Search for variable radio emissions from the V830 Tau system over the range 110-190 MHz
Probing the Jets of Blazars 3C 273 and 3C 454.3
Radio observations of the planetary system Tau Bootes
Disentangling the central kpc of the Medusa merger
Deep Polarization Observations of the GOODS-N Field with LOFAR
The curious case of HCG15: a little cousin of the Coma cluster?
Intergalactic shock-fronts and their relations to radio relics
Duty cycle of the active galactic nuclei: deep low-frequency observations of the blazar SBS B1646+499
Following-up the first ever detected accretion burst in a high-mass YSO
Multifrequency study of a newly discovered double-double source J0028+0035
High-resolution 3d VLBI of a scattering-induced echo in B1508+55
Triggered follow-up of AARTFAAC Transient Sources
Low Frequency Insights into the Radio Continuum - Star Formation Rate Relation
A misaligned DDRG with double peak emission lines
Interferometric Observations of the Active Regions in Radio Domain Before and After the Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017
Nearby Galaxies in LoTSS
Radio observations of the planetary system Corot-7
The First LOFAR Survey of Distant Galaxy Clusters
Cygnus loop: probing the two remnant scenario
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS): Opening up a new window on the Universe
Large-scale CRRL emission in high mass starforming regions
Resolving the small scale structure of 'young' radio sources at low frequencies: Dying young and frustrated?
The low-frequency emission of the persistent source associated with FRB 121102
Radio sources in outer corona and radio wave propoagation in the corona
LOFAR Localization of GBNCC Pulsar Survey Discoveries
Study of the evolution of compact radio sources
Starting the LOFAR LBA Survey
Probing the jet of blazar 3C 273
Free-free absorption by cool ionized gas in two nearby galaxies
First look at radio recombination lines in AGN
Additional Timing Observations on LOTAAS Pulsar Discoveries
Rollout June 2017 test making project
Finishing Cygnus: a new perpspective on the dense, cold gas in the Milky Way
Specular meteor echo observations with LOFAR International Stations
The properties of the slowest spinning radio pulsar
sun activity
Tracking the passage of an Ultra Fast CME
A Quest for the Radio Cosmic Web
The First LOFAR Observations of a Complete Sample of Revived Fossil Plasma Sources
Discovering the warm-hot intergalactic medium in filaments with LOFAR
Density and temperature structure of NGC 7027 derived from optically thick radio spectrum
Search for supernova remnants near magnetars
Continuing high-resolution 3d VLBI of a scattering-induced echo in B1508
Continuing the LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey
Shapiro delay and scintillation in a LOTAAS discovered binary millisecond pulsar
Finishing the LOFAR LBA HETDEX survey
Pulsar Scattering Analysis with LOFAR HBA band 5 and 7
LOFAR Epoch of Reionization observations on the 7 NCP fields: On A Fast Track to the EoR/Cosmic Dawn
LOFAR Legacy 60 MHz survey of the 3CRR catalogue
Low frequency study of J1740 using the interferometric imaging method
LOFAR observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146
Rapid follow-up of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
Lightning Mapping with LOFAR
The LOFAR Galactic Plane RRL Survey: the inner Galactic plane
Probing the Effects of Aging in Scaling Relations between Jet Power and Radio Power
Commissioning follow-up of a ToO
Commissioning projects 2018
LOFAR Luminous Infrared Galaxy Inventory (LOLIRGI)
A Direct test of Cosmic Ray re-acceleration at Galaxy Cluster Shocks with LOFAR
J114927+142002 - a true or illusory giant radio source?
ILT view of a matryoshka-like system of galaxies: investigating HCG60, a galaxy group containing an AGN, all placed inside a cluster.
A search for aurora on nearby flare stars using LOFAR
Observing Solar Coronal Mass Ejections using imaging, tied array beams and Pulsars.
Calibration of LOFAR Interplanetary Scintillation Data
Unveiling the jet of NGC6217
LOFAR HBA observations of MAXI J1820+070 in outburst
Pipeline tests after software roll-out and to test new pipeline versions
Monitoring Scintillation Above LOFAR
Are radio halos common in relaxed galaxy clusters with a cool core?
How much mass is there inside Tycho s supernova remnant?
Completing the LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey
Timing of LOTAAS Pulsar Discoveries
Exploring the dawn of particle acceleration in pre-merging galaxy clusters
Radio detection of cosmic rays
LOFAR Localizations of Eight GBNCC Pulsar Survey Discoveries
Shaping the planetary nebula K 3-17 by magnetic fields
LOFAR Legacy 60 MHz survey of the 3CRR catalogue - II
The fate of energised particles in galaxy clusters
The low-frequency radio continuum emission in nearby galaxies: the case of M33 and M82
Continuing 3d-VLBI of scattering-induced echoes in B1508+55
Formation of extended radio emission in double-relic galaxy clusters
Low frequency spectra of Pulsar Wind Nebulae: What is the cause of the spectral break?
Deep LOFAR observations in the best-studied extragalactic fields
LOFAR observations of MAXI J1820+070 / ASASSN-18ey during a state transition
Long wavelength tail of the radio spectrum of NGC 6826: evidence for a temperature gradient in the planetary nebula
HI absorption in the most powerful radio-loud quasar at the end of cosmic reionisation
Characterisation of the radio eclipses of black widows and redbacks
Time-domain follow-up of pulsar candidates from the LoTSS Survey
Time-Domain Follow-Up of a Variable Source from LoTSS and TGSS
Low-frequency follow-up of gravitational wave events
matthijs is testing
Feed-back and past activity of the supermassive nuclear black hole of Andromeda
LoLBAGS: the LOFAR LBA Galaxies Survey
Searching for superflares and coronal mass ejections on nearby active solar-like stars
Low frequency observations of jet inflated lobes around the X-ray binary Cygnus X-2
Diffuse synchrotron emission from a nearby filament of galaxy clusters
Completing LOFAR EoR observations of the NCP Region
Advancing Space Weather Science with LOFAR and the Parker Solar Probe
A search for exoplanetary radio bursts towards GJ 1151
Non-thermal shocks from the jets of massive YSOs
Searching for Ultra Steep Spectrum Radio Halos in low-mass clusters of galaxies
Rapid follow-up of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Peering at the 21-cm Signal of Neutral Hydrogen from the Cosmic Dawn
A LOFAR HBA survey of SINGS galaxies
Towards a First Sample of Revived Fossil Plasma Sources in Galaxy Clusters
Exploring low-power radio jets with LOFAR from pc to kpc scales
Quasi-simultaneous ultra-wide-band observation of the radio eclipse of black widow PSR J2051-0827
Science delivery framework
Stars at low frequencies: The tip of the nearby iceberg
Follow-up of a serendipitously discovered radio ring
Spectral long-baseline modeling of 3C 196
Revealing the origin of the diffuse radio emission in 2A0335+096
Triggered LOFAR observations of a flaring X-ray binary: understanding jet physics
Testing Radio Flux Predictions for Young Exoplanet V830 Tau b with LOFAR LBA
Collects data on RFI related
Characterization and localization of a new low-frequency repeating Fast Radio Burst source
tests and misc
Data related to wind turbine verification experiments
Low-frequency investigation of the X-shaped radio galaxy NGC326
LOFAR observation of the radio lighthouse: CU Vir
The LOFAR eRosita survey of the Virgo cluster
Interferometric imaging and tied-array beam observations of the SUN and Coronal Transients with the aid of pulsars.
Crossing the limit of the size of radio sources
Tracking the Solar wind with pulsars
Rapid Follow-up of Gamma-Ray Bursts
The First LOFAR Galaxy Cluster Deep Field
Follow-up of CHIME-FRB repeating Fast Radio Bursts
Targeted search, using LoTSS-identified candidates, for polarised pulsars (TULIPP)
Studying the study of OJ 287
AGN, radio galaxies and clusters of galaxies in XXL-North from X-ray to LOFAR
High resolution imaging of non-thermal emission in a young stellar object
Solving the inclination of PSR B0655+64 using scintillation
Low frequency features of the anomalous events of PSRs J0922+0638 and J1901+0716
A LOFAR survey of the Taurus molecular cloud
The LOFAR LBA sky survey
Extrasolar space weather: Concurrent LOFAR and TESS observations
Galaxy formation, ICM heating and AGN feedback: the turbulent youth of a proto-cluster at z=1.69
Hunting for non-thermal emission in stellar bow shock candidates
The sign of Stokes V
LBA observations of the weak halo in the cool-core cluster RXJ1720.1+2638
Gravitational lensing in the age of LOFAR
Non-thermal emission in post-AGB stars: the case of IRAS 22568+6141
Wide-field Full-Stokes Imaging of Diffuse Emission around the NCP
Bridging the (radio) gap between A1758N and A1758S
Anisotropy of the Radio Synchrotron Background
Characterization of Low-Frequency Radio Emission from the repeating FRB 180916
TULIPP: Targeted survey using LoTSS-identified candidates for polarized pulsars
Observations of exoplanet-driven radio aurorae
Multi-frequency Observations of the Slowest-Spinning Radio Pulsar with LOFAR and GMRT
Testing the magnetically-dominated wind model for Gamma-ray Bursts using their X-ray flares
Pulsar Scintillation Studies with LOFAR
Quintet re-visited: a deep search for extended continuum emission and intergalactic polarisation inside a compact galaxy group
LOFAR coverage of the eROSITA eFEDS field
Solving the Inclination of PSR B0655+64 using Scintillation
Mapping the scattering screen of two pulsars at low frequency
The first sub-arcsecond study of radio shocks with LOFAR
The LOFAR LBA galaxy cluster survey
Looking at new regimes of particle acceleration in the gigantic bridge connecting the pre-merging clusters A399-A401
Can spiral galaxies feed radio relics? The case of Abell 1367
Tentative radio discovery of a rogue planet
Test for triggering to LT10_013 project
Multi-wavelength study of the redback PSR J1048+2339 to investigate the presence of an accretion disc
Radio emission from Tau Bootis: following up a tentative signal
A search for radio relics in IC 860
Follow-up of SGR 1935+2145 as it enters an active phase
The spectacular NEST 200047 cluster
Understanding scattering, spectra and burst structure of magnetar bursts
Continued LOFAR follow-up of SGR 1935+2154
Constraining the low-frequency radio spectra of two ultra-high-redshift (z greater than 5) radio galaxies
Long-baseline modeling of 3C 61.1 to improve 21-cm power spectrum limits
Rapid Follow-up of Magnetar flares: the search for coherent radio emission
Defining the diffuse radio nature in the galaxy group MRC 0116+111
Deciphering the state of the inner heliosphere with synergistic observations from LOFAR, PSP, and Solar Orbiter.
Monitoring Ionospheric Scintillation Above LOFAR
TULIPP: A pulsar survey targeting polarized LoTSS sources and LOTAAS follow-up timing
Pulsar Monitoring with LOFAR
The first high resolution LOFAR study of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
Confirming the first exoplanet induced radio emission
Radio spectroscopy of the first blazar above redshift 6
LOFAR observations of the bright nearby cosmic web
Unmasking the history of 3C293 with LOFAR VLBI
Occultation of 3C196 by Comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise)
LOFAR LBA observation of the comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
Searching for Solar wind-induced DM chromaticity in PSR J1022+1001
Follow-up of the periodic repeating fast radio burst FRB 180916.J0158+65
Simultaneous radio and optical observations of meteors
Coronal mass ejections from active M dwarfs and implications for nearby planets
LOFAR LBA observation of an AGN-remnant in a group of galaxies
AGN, radio galaxies and clusters of galaxies in XXL-North from X-ray to LOFAR: Completion of the LOFAR mosaic
The first deep LOFAR observation of a supercluster: the Corona Borealis Supercluster
Low-frequency follow-up of SGR 1935+2154 as it enters a new phase, and of newly discovered magnetar SGR 1830-0645
Commissioning of current perrformance of LBA Sparse Even
Commissioning LOFAR fast imaging for transient detection and localization
Lunar Detection of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Rays and Neutrinos
Searching for intrinsic radio emission from meteors with LOFAR
Monitoring the periodic repeating fast radio burst FRB 180916.J0158+65
Confirming the first detection of the cosmic web at low frequency
Probing a new class of radio relics that is entirely powered by DSA
The first population of planetary-strength magnetospheres
Testing the magnetically-dominated wind model for gamma-ray burst using their X-ray flares
Rapid follow-up of magnetar flares: the search for coherent radio emission
Tailed radio galaxies at sub-30 MHz frequencies - a unique diagnostic of clusters
Entering uncharted territory: high-redshift LOFAR study of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
Commissioning for ALERT TBB subband mode
The low and ultra-low frequency emission of the first blazar at z above 6
The most detailed low-frequency investigation of particle (re)acceleration mechanisms in the famous cluster Abell 2256
The LOFAR LBA legacy galaxy cluster survey
Detecting HI absorption in radio-brightest quasar at z>6
Extragalactic A-Team sources with LOFAR LBA
Follow-up of CHIME FRB repeating Fast Radio Bursts
A commissioning project for the TMSS project
Searching for periodicity in the radio emission of CR Draconis
Probing exoplanet-induced radio emission from GJ 486
Deep HBA observations of the Coma cluster field
Follow-up of the lowest-DM repeating fast radio burst FRB 20200120E
Diffuse large-scale emission in the galaxy cluster pair A2147-A2152
LoDDS: The LOFAR Decametre Sky Survey
TMSS test/commissioning project with high priority
LOFAR imaging and beam-formed observations of the highly-active repeating fast radio burst 20201124A and a coincident persistent radio source
Holistic view of Coronal Holes and Active regions with open magnetic field configuration
Directivity of solar radio burst emission and anisotropic density turbulence
Stellar outflows with LoTSS: planetary nebulae
Assessing the sudden change in the profile shape of pulsar J1713+0747
A Spectral Census of Mini-Haloes with LOFAR and MeerKAT
Expanding the limits: high-redshift LOFAR study of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
A search for radio waves from the putative planetary system around van Maanen
Radio emission from star-planet interaction in nearby M-dwarf stars
Long-term monitoring of the periodic repeating fast radio burst FRB 20180916B
Confirming and Characterising RRAT sources
Cold plasma and the evolutionary history of the planetary nebula NGC 40
The first direct test of particle re-acceleration models in distant galaxy clusters
The giant radio bridge in Abell 1758 at very low frequencies
Long-term monitoring of radio-bright stellar systems
LoDSS: The LOFAR Decametre Sky Survey
Rapid Follow-up of Magnetar flares: the search for coherent radio bursts
Long Term LOFAR Observations of the mid Latitude ionosphere
Timing of binary radio millisecond pulsars discovered with LOFAR
Completing the LoTSS Deep Fields
Project for all TMSS tests and commissioning (normal priority)
Project for all TMSS tests and commissioning (low priority)
Abell 2319: A textbook radio halo for testing the re-acceleration scenario
Continued LOFAR follow-up of CHIME-FRB-discovered repeating Fast Radio Bursts
Chromatic dispersion in the Solar Wind
Advancing solar and heliospheric physics with LOFAR in the era of Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
NenuFAR VLBI test campaign
The 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph as seen by LOFAR
LOFAR observations of FRB 20180916B as part of a simultaneous multiwavelength radio and X-ray campaign
Test project for testing ingests automatically, but keep data on disk for comparison.
Project to collect TMSS validation dataset
Radio Megahalos in Galaxy Clusters
Low frequency observation of an extended 3 Mpc-size radio galaxy
Exploring the unexpected large-scale diffuse emission in relaxed clusters
Rapid follow-ups Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts
Localization of Five RRATs Discovered by the AO327 Survey
The Legacy Survey of Abell 2142 and Corona Borealis superclusters
Unintended electro-magnetic radiation from satellite mega- constellations
Monitoring a repeating fast radio burst source localized to a globular cluster in the M81 galaxy
Commissioning observations for LOBES validation
Capture test data set for All-Data Storage concept development
Scintillation in PSR J1744-1134 emission
Do magnetars shine ke pulsars and FRBs? LOFAR observations of radio magnetar XTE J1810-197
Test project for TMSS permission testing
How much sky can the LBA international baselines see?
Multi-frequency activity of repeating fast radio bursts
Commissioning of COBALT 2.0 phase 1
A 100:1 bandwidth survey to identify coronal heating processes in active stars.
Cosmic Shocks in galaxy clusters at the highest resolutions and lowest frequencies
Radio and optical time domain observations of flares and coronal mass ejections from two G dwarfs and implications of space weat
Follow-up observations of a diffuse ring around Calvera discovered by LoTSS
The LOFAR LBA Survey of the Virgo Cluster
Tracing the Heliosphere with pulsars
Triggered LOFAR observations of a flaring X-ray binary:understanding jet physics
An in deep view of the Coma galaxy cluster at 54 MHz
Rapid Follow-up of Magnetar Flares: the search for coherent radio bursts
High resolution low-frequency studies of jets in FRI quasars.
Low- frequency observation of a newly identified S-shaped GRG
A radio treasure hunt: LOFAR Galactic plane survey for long period neutron stars
Pulsar Monitoring with LOFAR to reach a Gravitational Wave detection
Lightning HBA
LOFAR Family Meeting 2022 Boat Race Award
Follow-up of the currently X-ray/Gamma-ray flaring magnetar and FRB- like source - SGR1935+2154
Single Station + Filler time to demonstrate SW capabilities from LOFAR (Approved until end of June from ILT Board)
Simultaneous radio/UV/optical/X-ray observations of AD Leonis
Mapping the Deep Radio Sky in COSMOS with LOFAR, HBA
The origin and properties of unintended electro-magnetic radiation from Starlink satellites
Test project for responsive telescope with low priority
Combining Zeeman Doppler Imaging and Radio Observations in HBA.
LOFAR monitoring of supernova 2023ixf in M101
Observations of the Sun and Heliosphere Using LOFAR for a Coordinated Ground- and Space-Based Approach to Space-Weather Research.
Simultaneous infrasound, low frequency, and VHF observations of lightning
LOFAR monitoring of trans-ionospheric radio scattering
LoLSS-Deep: deep LBA observations of the best-studied extragalactic fields
Understanding the Rotating Radio Transients
3C sources observed with LOFAR VLBI at 54 MHz
A Deep International Station Mosaic of the H-ATLAS NGP
Detecting and characterizing unintended electro-magnetic radiation from satellites in mega-constellations
The diffuse radio emission in the midst of a triple merger of clusters
Radio Megahalos in galaxy clusters
Radio and optical observation of flares and coronal mass ejections in the Hyades open cluster
Extrasolar Space Weather: Concurrent LOFAR and TESS Observations
Continued LOFAR follow-up of CHIME/FRB-discovered repeating fast radio bursts
The lowest frequency slope of steep spectrum relics and phoenixes
Waltz in the sky: investigation of the dual AGN J104454+354055
The LOFAR LBA Virgo Cluster Survey
The Quasar Feedback Survey + LOFAR-VLBI: Low frequency high resolution imaging of radio-quiet quasars with ILT.
The radio bright nucleus of NGC5905
LOFAR VLBI observation of TeV Blazars
High resolution low-frequency studies of jets in FRI quasars
Continued monitoring of the unique periodic repeating fast radio burst FRB20180916B
High-resolution scintillation study of bright pulsars
Pulsar Monitoring with LOFAR to Reach a Gravitational Wave Detection
How deep and low can we go? Hunting exoplanets below 40 MHz
Follow-up observation of M31 with LBA
Monitoring an outburst of recurrent nova T CrB with LOFAR
Studying a high-redshift radio relic at arcsecond resolutions with the international LOFAR telescope
Rapid follow-up of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts
Solving the orbit of two face-on binary systems using scintillation
Discovery of the upstream radio emission in the famous Sausage relic
The LOFAR view of a z=7 blazar
LOFAR monitoring of supernova 2023ixf in M101 (resubmission)
Catching the BOAT at low frequencies: the first explosive transient detected by LOFAR
Calibration and development for stations and clocks
Commissioning of LOFAR2 stations
Low-frequency observations of new candidate black hole X-ray binary
Follow-up of a transient source identified in LoTSS
HBA Dual vs HBA Dual Inner
Constraining the ultra-wide orbit and evolution of PSR J0210+5845
Decametric Jupiter VLBI
LOFAR monitoring of supernova 2023ixf in M101 one year post-explosion
Detecting fringes between LOFAR and the uGMRT
Preparing the LBA calibrator strategy for LOFAR 2.0
LBA observations of the COSMOS field at Dec+02
Testing methods for locating nearby sources of radio frequency interference
LOFAR long-baseline observations of Taurus A
LOFAR long-baselines observations of Cas A
Follow-up of an ultra-long period transient source identified in LoTSS
Commissioning of NenuFAR-LSS use within the LBA survey observing strategy
Investigating the second bump in the light curve of the closest recurrent nova
Simultaneous Multi-telescope, Multi-band SETI (SMM-SETI)
HBA Observations for cosmic-ray studies
Exploring Venus: a first "subsurface-to-space" snapshot
a test project for linking idm users to projects
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