Attribute name | Attribute type | Docstring | Unit |
antennaSet | str | The type of antenna | |
channelsPerSubband | int | The number of channels per subband | |
channelWidth | float | The width of the channels | MHz |
clock | float | The chosen clock speed | MHz |
creationDate | datetime | The creation date of this object | |
duration | float | The duration | s |
endTime | datetime | The end datetime of the Process | |
instrumentFilter | str | The filter frequency range | |
isValid | int | The isValid flag, any value greater then zero means valid | |
nrStationsCore | int | The number of core stations used in this Observation | |
nrStationsInternational | int | The number of international stations used in this Observation | |
nrStationsRemote | int | The number of remote stations used in this Observation | |
numberOfBeamFormedDataProducts | int | The number of BeamFormedDataProducts resulting from this Observation | |
numberOfBitsPerSample | int | The number of bits used per sample | |
numberOfCorrelatedDataProducts | int | The number of CorrelatedDataProducts resulting from this Observation | |
numberOfStations | int | The number of stations | |
numberOfSubArrayPointings | int | number of sub-array pointing used | |
numberOfTransientBufferBoardEvents | int | number of TBB events | |
object_id | oidtype | The object identifier
The object identifier is an attribute shared by all persistent instances. It is the prime key, by which object identity is established | |
observationDescription | str | Description of the observation | |
observationId | str | The observation identifier | |
observationIdSource | str | The source of ObservationId | |
observingMode | str | The chosen observation mode | |
parset | ParsetFile | The process or observation parset | |
processIdentifier | int | The process identifier | |
processIdentifierName | str | The name of the processIdentifier | |
processIdentifierSource | str | The source of processIdentifier | |
projectInformation | ProjectInformation | The project information | |
quality | int | The quality attribute of this Process | |
relations | ProcessRelation | The relations of this Process, ie GroupID | |
releaseDate | datetime | The release datetime of the Process | |
startTime | datetime | The start datetime of the Process | |
stations | Station | The stations used for this measurement | |
stationSelection | str | The station selection type | |
strategyDescription | str | The description of the strategy | |
strategyName | str | The name of the strategy | |
subArrayPointings | SubArrayPointing | The sub-array pointing | |
timeSystem | str | The time system | |
transientBufferBoardEvents | str | The TBB events | |