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AntennaField Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
coordinateSystemstrThe coordinate system of the location
creationDatedatetimeThe creation date of this AntennaField
isValidintThe is valid flag, 0 indicates invalid
latitudefloatThe latitude angle of the locationdegrees
longitudefloatThe longitude angle of the locationdegrees
namestrThe name of the AntennaField
numberintThe AntennaField number; 1 or 2
object_idoidtypeThe object identifier

The object identifier is an attribute shared by all persistent
instances. It is the prime key, by which object identity is established
radiusfloatThe radius of the locationm
stationStationThe station this AntennaField belongs to
timestampEnddatetimestation location is valid untill this date
timestampStartdatetimestation location is valid from this date
xfloatThe x coordinate of the locationm
yfloatThe y coordinate of the locationm
zfloatThe z coordinate of the locationm

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