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SkyImageDataProduct Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
boundingBoxBoundingBoxThe BoundingBox of the Map
coordinateCoordinateThe coordinates
creationDatedatetimeThe creation date of this object
dataProductIdentifierintThe identifier of the dataproduct
dataProductIdentifierNamestrThe name of the dataProductIdentifier
dataProductIdentifierSourcestrThe source of the dataProductIdentifier
dataProductTypestrThe type of data product
directionCoordinateDirectionCoordinateThe Direction Coordinate
fileFormatstrThe format of the file
filenamestrThe name of the associated file
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage
imagerIntegrationTimefloatThe imager integration times
isDirtyintThe isDirty flag (nonzero) indicates something is wrong with this DataProduct
isValidintThe is valig flag, any value greater then zero means valid
locationFramestrThe location frame
numberOfAxesintThe number of Axes
numberOfCoordinatesintThe number of Coordinates
object_idoidtypeThe object identifier

The object identifier is an attribute shared by all persistent
instances. It is the prime key, by which object identity is established
observationPointingBasePointingThe pointing of the Image
observationsObservationAll Observations attributing to the DataProduct
pipelineImagingPipelineThe pipeline parameters
polarizationCoordinatePolarizationCoordinateThe Polarization Coordinate
processIdentifierintThe identifier of the process creating this dataproduct
processIdentifierNamestrThe name of the processIdentifier
processIdentifierSourcestrThe source of the processIdentifier
projectInformationProjectInformationThe project information
releaseDatedatetimeThe release datetime of the data product
restoringBeamMajorfloatThe restoring beam majorarcsec
restoringBeamMinorfloatThe restoring beam minorarcsec
rmsNoisefloatThe rms noiseJy/beam
sourceDataCorrelatedDataProductThe input CorrelatedDataproduct
spectralCoordinateSpectralCoordinateThe Spectral Coordinate
storage_ticketStorageTicketThe StorageTicket used to ingest this DataProduct
storageWriterstrThe storage manager used for the dataproduct
storageWriterVersionstrThe version string of the storage manager
timeCoordinateTimeCoordinateThe Time Coordinate
timeFramestrThe time frame

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